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    Lighting for Lobby

    Lighting for Lobby

    Lobbies are of great importance in many places such as hotels, residences and plazas. Lobbies, which provide the first impression of the environment, are places where sensitivity and care must be taken regarding lighting. Because lighting directly affects the atmosphere of the lobby, the perception and overall experience of visitors and customers. Therefore, functional lobby lighting that meets decorative and aesthetic expectations is not only a necessity, but also an important element that greatly affects the security of lobbies.

    What should the lighting be like for lobbies?

    Lighting systems preferred in lobbies must contribute to the environment in aesthetic and functional terms. In this way, it makes the guests waiting in the lobby feel more peaceful and safe. In lobby areas, lighting fixtures that provide energy efficiency, can be customized for different areas and help equal light distribution should generally be preferred. Licalux Lighting helps provide a more accurate and professional service to the lobbies at building entrances.

    Areas Where Lobby Lighting Is Important

    Nowadays, there are lobbies in almost many places. The main areas mentioned are hotel lobbies, residence lobbies and plaza lobbies. Lobbies, which are the first place where guests are welcomed, must have adequate lighting so that guests feel comfortable and safe. For this reason, it is important to choose the lighting system according to the structure of the space. By examining the suggestions below, you can choose the right fixture applications for lobbies.

    Hotel Lobby Lighting

    Hotel lobby lighting is important from both a functional and aesthetic perspective. The lighting design of the lobby should be considered especially carefully, as it welcomes guests and creates first impressions. Therefore, in addition to choosing pendant lighting and decorative fixtures, bright and focused lighting should be used. In addition, the types of fixtures used in the hotel lobby metrekare başına 200-300 lümen It is recommended to be within the range. Moreover instead of white or blue light; yumuşak, warm 2700-3000K light should be selected. At this point panel lighting, emergency lighting fixtures and Downlight-Spotlight preferable. 

    Residence Lobby Lighting

    Residence lighting should be chosen carefully to create a comfortable and aesthetic living space. Soft, diffuse light can be used. Generally, hanging chandeliers, recessed ceiling lights and wall sconces can be preferred. In addition, since lobbies are generally larger and open areas, on average 100-200 lumens It must be within the range. At the same time, lighting applications used in residence lobbies, color rendering index of 80 or above It is appropriate to have it. In these features, you can choose emergency lighting fixtures, track spots, panel lighting and downlight -spotlight lighting applications.

    Plaza Lobby Lighting

    Plaza lobby lighting must be carefully planned from a functional and aesthetic perspective. Lighting in this type of space should both create an inviting atmosphere and emphasize the width and architectural features of the lobby area. Additionally, energy efficiency and adjustable lighting levels are also important. When choosing a specific lighting design for the plaza lobby, you should make sure that the lumen value is in the range of 300-500 lumens per square meter. Another point to consider is the color rendering index of 80 or above. In accordance with all these features, emergency lighting fixtures, track spots, panel lighting and downlight -spotlight lighting can be preferred.

    What are the Lighting Products Used in Lobbies?

    Lobby lighting models are divided according to the size of the area, lighting needs and aesthetic appearance. Many models of lobby fixtures provide aesthetic and functional convenience to guests. The commonly preferred lobby lighting fixture types are divided as follows: 

    • Recessed Lighting
    • Wall Lighting Fixture
    • Lobby Suspended Ceiling Lighting 
    • Emergency and Security Lighting Systems
    • Track Lights


    Features of Lighting Models in Lobbies

    • Lobby lighting models have a color temperature range (4000k-5000k) close to natural daylight. 
    • Lobby lightings are easy to clean and have a structure that minimizes dust accumulation.
    • Lobby lighting fixtures feature glare-reducing lighting to prevent eye fatigue and provide long-term comfort.
    • Lobby lighting applications feature high color rendering index. 
    • Klinir armature types have the feature of being integrated for emergencies.


    How to Choose Lobby Lighting Fixtures?

    Choosing the luminaire that best suits your project among lobby lighting models is important in terms of architectural aesthetics and functionality. For this reason, every feature of lobby fixtures should be examined in detail. At this point, the things to consider when choosing clinic lighting are as follows: 

    • In lobby fixtures, easy-to-install and easy-to-maintain fixtures should always be preferred. In this way, cost and time savings can be achieved. 
    • Supporting products should be used in lobby lighting systems in terms of energy efficiency.
    • You should pay attention to the choice of fixture company for lobby lighting. Because the clinical lighting company that offers lighting solutions should give you a guarantee on the fixtures. Thus, the service support of the armature company ensures long-term use in your project.
    • In lobby lighting applications, fixtures must be safe and durable. It reduces the need for maintenance and replacement in the long term.


    Lobby Lighting Prices

    Lobby lighting fixture prices; It varies depending on model, brand, function and bulk purchase. Licalux Lighting, a lighting manufacturer for hotels, residences and plaza lobbies, offers users quality solutions at affordable prices. You can examine lobby lighting fixtures on our website; You can contact us for lobby lighting fixtures prices. 

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