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    Light Distribution

    A Planes

    It defines the motion of the planes that have passed through the luminaire and descend perpendicular to the axis. The light distribution curves in these planes are determined by the directions of the light intensity vectors with the angles α.

    B Planes

    B planes, also known as rotation axes, are the geometric points at the extreme points of the light intensity created by the light distribution curves in the vertical direction.

    C Planes

    These are the luminous intensity vectors formed vertically by the light distribution curves in the C plane, also known as the rotation axis in the luminaires.


    Light distribution curves are generally given in planes between at least C0o-180o and C90o-270o to give an idea to the users. In road lighting luminaire systems, this situation is given between at least C0o-180o, C90o-270o and in Imax planes where light intensity is obtained. In projector systems, light distribution curves are given in B or C planes.


    Indoor Lighting Fixture Systems

    Indoor lighting fixture systems are divided into 6 groups according to the way they distribute light to the lower and upper space. These are; Direct, Semi-direct, General Common, Direct Indirect, Semi-indirect and Indirect.

    Road Lighting Luminaire Systems

    Road lighting luminaire systems According to CIE are divided into 3 groups. These are; Screened, Semi-Screened and Unscreened.

    Armature with Screen:

    It is the general name of lighting fixtures that have a maximum light intensity limited to an angle of 65° to the vertical and do not emit any light to the upper half level (ULOR = 0).

    Semi-Screen Luminaire:

    It is the general name given to lighting fixtures whose maximum light intensity is limited to an angle of 75° to the vertical and whose luminous flux sent to the upper half space is not more than 10% (ULOR £).

    Luminaire without screen:

    These are luminaires that do not have a maximum light intensity limited to a certain angle and provide light intensity at a 90° angle to the vertical. These luminaires generally do not exceed 1000 cd, regardless of the luminous flux.


    IP Table

    Luminaire protection classes are generally given as IP XY. At this point, X (1st digit) indicates protection against solid objects, Y (2nd digit) indicates protection against liquid substances.

    a table with text and symbols

    Luminaires Light Distribution

    Indirect Luminaires

    It is preferred to give a sense of height in large rooms with high ceilings. This term generally refers to lighting systems that illuminate downwards. The best example of this lighting is the Troffers and Downlight lighting fixture.

    Semi-Indirect Luminaires

    These fixtures tend to soften the shadows reflected from the ceiling and improve the brightness trend. When we consider the brightness of these fixtures as an average, they can be equal to the ceiling brightness. Because in semi-indirect fixtures, the light illuminates downwards.

    Direct Indirect Luminaires

    Direct indirect fixturesdistribute light equally to the floor-ceiling areas. Therefore, they give much less light to the side areas and the brightness may be lower.

    Scattered Luminaires

    These fixtures distribute light evenly.Therefore, diffused fixtures have large diffusers and low wattages to control glare.

    Semi-Direct Luminaires

    Semi-direct fixtures also soften shadows caused by direct lighting, such as downlights.These fixtures are generally preferred in places where strong light is not required, such as stairwells, corridors and storage areas.

    Direct (Wide Beam Spread)Luminaires

    Generally,direct lighting is preferred foremphasis and focus. Make sure that sufficient lighting is provided for walls and other vertical areas in these lightings.

    Direct (HighlyConcentratedDiffuseDownlight)Luminaires

    In this type of lighting, the general type of beam distribution depends on the lens, reflector, andthe position of the lamp.
