Tunnels present various challenges such as sudden light changes and narrow spaces while driving, which can threaten the safety of drivers. Therefore, the correct selection and design of lighting systems inside the tunnel is of great importance for safe driving. In this context, different lighting options should be provided in each section from the tunnel entrance to the exit. In this way, a safer driving environment can be provided. In this article, we will provide information on how to make the right lighting choices for safer driving in tunnels. You can have detailed information about the right tunnel lighting options by browsing our content. We wish you all a good day and enjoyable reading.
Lighting in tunnels is of critical importance in terms of safety and visual comfort. Because tunnels have narrow spaces and limited visibility, they can pose potential dangers for drivers. In this context, tunnel lighting plays a vital role in allowing drivers to see road conditions clearly, making it easier for them to notice obstacles on the road, and enabling them to react quickly in case of emergency situations. In addition, the light level inside the tunnel minimizes eye fatigue and blindness by facilitating the driver's transition to the ambient light outside. At the same time, tunnel lighting serves to illuminate the roads for fire, accidents, or other hazards in the event of an emergency inside the tunnel, to highlight crossing points, and to guide the tunnel. In this way, not only the safety of drivers but also the safety of pedestrians is guaranteed.
Tunnel lighting is undoubtedly the type of lighting that requires the most attention. Because tunnels are closed areas devoid of natural light sources and can pose a risk to the safety of drivers and pedestrians. For this reason, different lighting opportunities should be designed at every point of the tunnel. In this context, we can divide tunnel lighting into 3 categories. These are; Tunnel entrance lighting, Tunnel interior lighting and Tunnel exit lighting. If we examine how the lighting opportunities of these mentioned sections should be;
In tunnel entrance lighting, environmental factors and tunnel characteristics are generally taken into consideration and appropriate lighting opportunities are planned. Thus, correct planning of the lighting level in the entrance area helps to ensure safe driving conditions.
At this point, when planning tunnel entrance lighting, braking distance should be calculated according to speed. This calculation helps drivers to adjust lighting levels correctly so that they can stop safely when approaching the tunnel entrance. For example, a vehicle traveling at high speed needs a longer braking distance to reduce speed before entering the tunnel entrance. Therefore, lighting at the tunnel entrance should warn the driver in time and should be planned to provide sufficient distance for braking. In addition, the difference in light between the tunnel entrance and the outside environment should not make it difficult for the driver to adapt to the eyes and should allow the passage to be smooth and safe.
Secondarily, the thing to consider in tunnel entrance lighting is the luminance calculation. This luminance calculation is a calculation that allows the light difference between the tunnel entrance and the outside environment to be adjusted in a controlled manner. Thanks to this calculation, drivers can adapt to the light more easily when entering the tunnel and can safely pass through the tunnel. Thus, if the luminance calculations are made correctly, it allows for smooth light level transitions, minimizes drivers' eye fatigue and increases driving safety.
In addition to all these, counter-beam lighting fixtures should be preferred for tunnel entrance lighting. These lighting fixtures help balance the light difference between the tunnel entrance and the outside environment and provide a safer passage for drivers. Counter-beam lighting creates a strong light source for drivers entering the tunnel from the outside, helping drivers' eyes adapt before entering the interior of the tunnel. At the same time, it prevents sudden light adaptation problems in the eyes by softening the sharp transition between the bright light outside and the dark environment of the interior when entering the tunnel.
Another point to consider in tunnel lighting is the tunnel interior lighting. This tunnel interior lighting ensures the safety of drivers, increases visibility and makes tunnel passage more comfortable. Therefore, tunnel interior lighting systems must be designed and implemented correctly. At this point, the level of brightness in tunnel entrance lighting should be high. In this way, drivers can adapt their eyes more quickly when switching from the bright light outside to the lower light level inside the tunnel.
At the same time, high energy efficiency lighting systems should be preferred for tunnel interior lighting. Because energy-saving lighting systems such as LED technology provide high efficiency with low energy consumption while also reducing maintenance requirements. As a result, tunnel interior lighting is of great importance not only for the safety of drivers, but also in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability. In this way, a correct tunnel interior lighting is planned.
Finally, it is important that the tunnel exit lighting is designed in a way that allows drivers’ eyes to adapt to the brighter light of the outside environment. At this point, the tunnel exit lighting should provide a smooth transition between the interior and exterior light levels of the tunnel. At the same time, lighting systems should be adjusted according to the light conditions in the exterior environment and positioned in a way that will make the driver compatible with the light in the outside world. In this way, the light level at the tunnel exit will be sufficient to allow drivers to see the road clearly.
In tunnel lighting, LSEQ (Lighting Sequence) calculation is usually a calculation made to determine the lighting level and order inside the tunnel. This calculation creates a plan on how the lighting system will be installed depending on the length and design of the tunnel. In this context, LSEQ calculation shows how the lighting levels inside the tunnel will increase and decrease at certain intervals. In other words, it calculates the adjustment of light levels to adapt to the external ambient light from the moment a driver enters the tunnel entrance. This LSEQ calculation facilitates the eye adaptation of drivers, prevents blindness effects and increases safety inside the tunnel. For this reason, LSEQ calculation in tunnel lighting projects is usually made in accordance with international standards and regulations and is usually calculated by lighting engineers.
Finally, in tunnel lighting, light levels need to be arranged correctly as they consist of different sections, namely the entrance, inside the tunnel and the exit. In this context, the light coming out of the tunnel entrance is usually higher, while the light levels inside the tunnel can be more homogeneous and lower. Therefore, such calculations are necessary to increase the visibility, ensure eye adaptation and create a safer passage for drivers.
With its special designs that improve driving conditions and minimize eye fatigue in tunnels, Licalux offers the most advanced technology in the sector in tunnel lighting. The luminaires equipped with high-quality LED systems perfectly regulate the light distribution and ensure that all areas inside the tunnel are illuminated homogeneously. Thus, Licalux’s smart lighting solutions provide optimal brightness levels and energy efficiency that facilitate safe passage at tunnel entrances and exits, guaranteeing both safety and sustainability.
If you are looking for a safe lighting option in tunnels, you can examine Licalux’sTunnel Lighting. Thus, you can ensure safety in tunnels.